The cooperation between maritime clusters in the northern and southern Mediterranean is crucial for promoting innovation, sustainability, and economic growth in the region. The CALLMEBLUE project highlights the importance of this collaboration, aiming to establish and strengthen maritime clusters as key actors for innovation. 

Significant differences in economic and technological capacities between the northern and southern Mediterranean clusters pose a notable challenge. While northern clusters often have access to advanced technologies and robust funding, southern clusters may face financial and technological limitations. Disparities are evident in port and maritime infrastructure, where southern Mediterranean countries often require significant improvements. Ports, storage facilities, and transport networks are crucial for efficient and competitive operations but frequently lack adequate investment for modernization. Additionally, the diversity of regulations and bureaucratic policies between northern and southern countries can complicate the implementation of joint projects. Regulatory harmonization is necessary to facilitate cooperation, but it is not always easy to achieve.









However, cooperation offers a valuable opportunity for the transfer of technology and knowledge from north to south. Training programs and knowledge exchange can help southern clusters adopt innovative and sustainable practices. The blue economy, with its focus on sustainable development, is a fertile field for this collaboration. Cooperation can boost initiatives that promote blue economy practices that protect marine and coastal resources, such as renewable energy, sustainable fishing, and marine conservation.










Strengthening networks and partnerships between northern and southern Mediterranean maritime clusters is another significant opportunity. Establishing regional networks can lead to more effective collaborations and the creation of a more integrated maritime ecosystem. Participation in networking platforms and regional events can facilitate the exchange of experiences and best practices, strengthening cooperation.

One example of a successful initiative is the Interreg MED Blue Growth Community project, which aims to promote a sustainable blue economy in the Mediterranean by facilitating cooperation between northern and southern countries. The initiative supports innovation and knowledge transfer, focusing on areas such as aquaculture, marine biotechnology, and sustainable tourism. Another notable example is the partnership between the Port of Marseille in France and the Port of Tangier in Morocco. This partnership aims to improve port operations and logistics management through the transfer of technology and knowledge, including projects on waste management and energy efficiency.

Other example is the partnership between the Port of Marseille in France and the Port of Tangier in Morocco that exemplifies a successful North-South cooperation in the Mediterranean. This collaboration focuses on improving port operations and logistics management through knowledge and technology transfer. Initiatives include joint projects on waste management, energy efficiency, and infrastructure development. By sharing expertise and resources, both ports aim to enhance their competitiveness and sustainability while fostering economic development in their respective regions.

Cooperation between northern and southern Mediterranean maritime clusters faces significant challenges, but the opportunities for growth and innovation are equally robust. With initiatives like CALLMEBLUE and strategic partnerships, it is possible to overcome barriers and promote a sustainable and prosperous blue economy in the region. Strengthening the capacities of southern clusters and harmonizing regulations are crucial steps for effective and lasting cooperation.


To deepen this analysis, it is important to consider reliable and relevant sources. Reports from the European Commission on innovation and technology transfer in the Mediterranean are also essential resources for better understanding the dynamics of North-South cooperation. Additionally, the World Bank provides detailed reports on transport infrastructure in the Mediterranean, highlighting areas in need of improvement.